
Christmas Tree

credit image: asoftplace.net
A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine, or fir associated with the celebration of Christmas. An artificial Christmas tree, usually made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), is a man-made replication of such a tree and is often used instead of a live tree in order to retain the Christmas spirit and decorations without the care and maintenance of a cut tree.

The tree was traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts, or other foods. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles which were ultimately replaced by Christmas lights after the advent of electrification. Today, there are a wide variety of traditional ornaments, such as garland, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star might be placed at the top of the tree to represent the angel Gabriel or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity.
The custom of the Christmas tree developed in early modern Germany (where it is today called Weihnachtsbaum or Christbaum) with predecessors that can be traced to the 16th and possibly 15th century, in which "devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes".Christmas trees were hung in St. George's Church, Sรฉlestat since 1521. It acquired popularity beyond Germany during the second half of the 19th century. The Christmas tree has also been known as the "Yule-tree", especially in discussions of its folkloristic origins
source: en.wikipedia.org

Christmas Tree atau pohon natal adalah pohon buatan yang mirip cemara atau pinus yang biasanya terbuat dari polyvinyl chloride (PVC) atau bahan lain yang tidak perlu perawaratan untuk menggantikan pohon hidup asli. Pohon natal biasanya dihiasi dengan edibles seperti apel, kacang-kacangan, atau makanan lainnya. Pada abad ke-18, itu mulai diterangi oleh lilin yang akhirnya digantikan oleh lampu Natal setelah munculnya listrik. Saat ini, ada berbagai macam ornamen tradisional, seperti garland, perada, dan permen tongkat. Malaikat atau bintang mungkin ditempatkan di bagian atas pohon untuk mewakili malaikat Jibril atau Bintang Betlehem dari Kelahiran.

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 Albero di Natale o un albero di Natale artificiale รจ un abete rosso ad albero o di un pino di solito sono fatti di cloruro di polivinile (PVC) o altri materiali che non hanno bisogno di manutenzione per sostituire l'albero vivente originale. Alberi di Natale sono di solito decorati con commestibili come mele, noci, o altri alimenti. Nel 18 ° secolo, ha cominciato illuminato da candele che eventualmente sostituite da luci di Natale dopo l'avvento dell'energia elettrica. Attualmente, ci sono vari tipi di ornamenti tradizionali, come la ghirlanda, orpelli, e bastoncini di zucchero. Angelo o stella possono essere poste nella parte superiore della struttura per rappresentare l'angelo Gabriele e la Stella di Betlemme dalla Nativitร .

 Christmas Tree of kunsmatige Kersboom is 'n boom-agtige spar of denne word gewoonlik gemaak van polivinielchloried (PVC) of ander materiaal wat nie onderhoud nodig nie die oorspronklike lewende boom te vervang. Kersbome is gewoonlik versier met eetgoed soos appels, neute, of ander kos. In die 18de eeu, het dit begin deur kerse wat uiteindelik vervang deur Kersfees liggies na die koms van elektrisiteit aangesteek. Tans is daar verskeie vorme van tradisionele ornamente, soos slinger, klatergoud, en lekkergoed canes. Angel of 'n ster kan by die top van die boom is die engel Gabriรซl of die Ster van Bethlehem van die geboorte te verteenwoordig geplaas word.

 รrbol de Navidad o รกrbol de Navidad artificial es un abeto en forma de รกrbol o pino son generalmente hechas de cloruro de polivinilo (PVC) u otros materiales que no necesitan mantenimiento para reemplazar el รกrbol vivo inicial. รrboles de Navidad suelen estar decorados con comestibles, como las manzanas, nueces u otros alimentos. En el siglo 18, comenzรณ iluminado por velas que eventualmente reemplazados por luces de Navidad despuรฉs de la llegada de la electricidad. Actualmente, existen diversos tipos de adornos tradicionales, como guirnaldas, oropel, y bastones de caramelo. รngel o una estrella pueden ser colocados en la parte superior del รกrbol para representar el รกngel Gabriel o la estrella de Belรฉn de la Natividad.

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