Cara ampuh mengatasi PIN google adsense yang tidak kunjung datang " verifikasi PIN adsense dengan KTP "
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Gara gara iklan di blog tidak tampil, ane jadi galau. padahal penghasilan tipa bulannya terus bertambah. tambah galau setelah baca baca di internet, katanya banyak teman teman publisher yang lain yang sudah berminggu minggu bahkan berbulan bulan PIN google adsense tidak juga sampai ke alamat. dari pada terus galau dan menunggu yang kita pasti hari ini ane coba menghubungi team google adsense untuk memverivikasi PIN adsense ane.
Karena ane tidak bisa bahasa inggris ane menggunakan google translate. begini isi surat permohonan ane yang ane tujukan ke team google adsense.
Jepara 9 May 2014
Dear google adsense team
I khoirin publisher of Indonesia. I've made a request for a PIN twice.
The first request was not up to my address. The second petition, dated 6 January 2014 29 January 2014 sending limit is also
not up.the 8 May 2014 yesterday I made a new application or petition to three.
But after I read a lot of friends on the internet publisher Indonesian friends who've been waiting for weeks and some have
six months but the PIN is not up too.On the advice of friends the other publisher friends then I apply directly to the
google adsense team through the @ mail this implore his help.
Because the PIN verification has not been done ad on my blog does not show up and I do not have an income.
I wait for his answer and PIN.
Thank you.
caranya anda buka link berikut
masukan nama, id penayang dan lampirkan surat permohonan anda (berupa notepad) dan scan'an KTP anda, tunggu beberapa jam atau beberapa hari jawaban dari team google adsense. kalau ane cuma 9 menit sudah ada balasan dari team google adsense .
Segitu aja dari ane semoga bermanfaat.
Karena ane tidak bisa bahasa inggris ane menggunakan google translate. begini isi surat permohonan ane yang ane tujukan ke team google adsense.
Jepara 9 May 2014
Dear google adsense team
I khoirin publisher of Indonesia. I've made a request for a PIN twice.
The first request was not up to my address. The second petition, dated 6 January 2014 29 January 2014 sending limit is also
not up.the 8 May 2014 yesterday I made a new application or petition to three.
But after I read a lot of friends on the internet publisher Indonesian friends who've been waiting for weeks and some have
six months but the PIN is not up too.On the advice of friends the other publisher friends then I apply directly to the
google adsense team through the @ mail this implore his help.
Because the PIN verification has not been done ad on my blog does not show up and I do not have an income.
I wait for his answer and PIN.
Thank you.
ane kirim jam 09:22 WIB tanggal 9 mei 2014. |
caranya anda buka link berikut
masukan nama, id penayang dan lampirkan surat permohonan anda (berupa notepad) dan scan'an KTP anda, tunggu beberapa jam atau beberapa hari jawaban dari team google adsense. kalau ane cuma 9 menit sudah ada balasan dari team google adsense .
no pic hoax |
Segitu aja dari ane semoga bermanfaat.
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